
Bright Beginnings

Here I am, at the start of my writing adventure! Can you smell the morning air?

There are currently three roads I’m traveling on at the same time. (Sounds tricky, doesn’t it?)

  1. Self-publishing. As you read this, two fantastic illustrators are already working hard to bring my first two picture-book manuscripts to life. Illustrating is a process unique to the individual illustrator, so shhhh, don’t distract them! My job as they brainstorm and think through character drawings (before we story-board it) is to make sure my manuscripts are exactly the way I want them. Self-publishing is its own kind of journey and the process is tailored to the individual.
  2. Agent Querying. On a completely different path, I’m currently working seriously on two other picture books that I would like to perfect to the point of sending to an agent. An agent is the professional between an author and a publisher. Before you land a sale with a large publishing company, you need to find an agent that likes you. Before I find an agent that likes me, I have to polish my writing so I have something to sell. So on both paths, it really comes down to polishing my writing! 
  3. Website Launch. Not only am I launching my website, I also wrote a set of Summer Writing Activities, one for every weekday over the course of 12 weeks, in order to share here on my website. I’m looking forward to using these for myself and my children, and hoping others of all ages will join in!

Here are some steps I’ve taken so far:

  1. Praying. As I’ve prayed and taken forward steps, it’s been evident that the Lord’s been leading me this direction. I won’t pretend I know where it leads, but I’m enjoying the journey so far!
  2. Becoming a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. By joining I’m establishing that I’m serious. It’s also already offered me boatloads of resources as I pursue writing for children.
  3. Creating a website. Hi there!
  4. Starting up my twitter account and Facebook writer’s page.
  5. Beginning the process of finding an official critique group that meets regularly. I’ve observed a Skype group that I enjoyed tremendously, but they may be full, so we’ll see.

That’s it for my news. Thanks for your support! I’m pretty sure if you made it to the bottom of the page, you’re genuinely interested. I hope to share more in the future!

5 thoughts on “Bright Beginnings”

  1. What a great start to your blog! I love the variety, the layout, the content, and YOU! Can’t wait to see more. 😊


    1. Thanks for the compliment! If you’re on WordPress, you can press the “follow” button and decide how many emails you want to receive. Otherwise, I post all blog articles on Facebook and Twitter :)


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